Pennsylvania taxpayers have for many years been able to give money to a qualifying charity and get a credit against state income taxes for at least 75% of the gift under the Pennsylvania [...]
The House Ways and Means Committee is considering retirement plan changes. Retirement issues aren’t unpopular with the Democratic minority in the Senate. The retirement provisions can be [...]
Taxpayers making charitable contributions face many requirements, including the contemporaneous written acknowledgement. The Internal Revenue Code imposes additional requirements for [...]
Tax Court Disallows Donation for Lack of Contemporaneous Written Acknowledgement
In Tax and Estate Planning PostedThe United States Tax Court has again sided with the Internal Revenue Service in disallowing a charitable contribution because there was no contemporaneous written acknowledgement from the [...]
The Tax Extender Bill has passed through Congress and is expected to be signed by the President. One of the provisions allows individuals who are 70 1/2 or older to make a Charitable IRA [...]