Steven Petrikis, Attorney at Law

Steven Petrikis


Posted on July 30, 2024

Allegheny County has changed the deadline for filing real estate tax assessment appeals for the 2025 tax year and all subsequent tax years.

Although property owners were accustomed to a March 31 annual deadline for the filing of assessment appeals, municipalities often formulated their budgets well before that date. That budgeting was done with much uncertainty as revenues from real estate tax could change, and at times dramatically change, through the course of the later appeal process.  Similarly, both commercial and residential property owners might overpay or underpay their taxes because payment deadlines occurred well before final determinations of taxes due had been made.

In hopes of avoiding these complications, Allegheny County has now established an OCTOBER 1, 2024, deadline for assessment appeals for tax year 2025.  All subsequent tax years will have a SEPTEMBER 1 of the prior year deadline.  With the Board of Property Assessments Appeals and Review gearing up to complete most appeals within ninety days of filing, both taxpayers and taxing entities will face less uncertainty and will gain an improved ability to plan.

With the common level ratio for 2025 dipping even a bit lower than 2024 to 52.7%, be sure to gather your records and take the right steps to file an appeal if appropriate.  Please contact Steven Petrikis or Rachel Felton or your Metz Lewis contact for guidance.