A little-known planning technique may provide assistance to individuals with disabilities (the onset of disability must have occurred before turning age 26). In 2018, total contributions up to [...]
The House Ways and Means Committee is considering retirement plan changes. Retirement issues aren’t unpopular with the Democratic minority in the Senate. The retirement provisions can be [...]
This post was written by Larry Blair. The 2017 Tax Act dramatically increased the federal, gift, and generation skipping transfer exemption to $11.18 million per person. The increased exemption [...]
This particular Form W-2 scam involves cybercriminals using various techniques to send fake emails that appear to come from an organization executive, such as the chief executive officer, to the [...]
If you are age 70½ or older, an IRA rollover is a simple and easy way to use your individual retirement account to reduce taxes and help a charitable organization. Consider the advantages: Your [...]
Estates with values of less than $5.49 million that didn’t timely elect portability get temporary relief from IRS. The portability rule allows a married decedent’s unused estate tax exemption to [...]
Taxpayers making charitable contributions face many requirements, including the contemporaneous written acknowledgement. The Internal Revenue Code imposes additional requirements for [...]
The Internal Revenue Service, along with state tax authorities are cautioning businesses to beware of an email phishing scam using a corporate officer’s name asking for employee W-2 forms from [...]
Tax Court Disallows Donation for Lack of Contemporaneous Written Acknowledgement
In Tax and Estate Planning PostedThe United States Tax Court has again sided with the Internal Revenue Service in disallowing a charitable contribution because there was no contemporaneous written acknowledgement from the [...]
Larry Blair spoke on December 14, 2016 on how tax changes in 2017 will impact you with D.B. Root & Company. To learn more and listen to the webinar, please click here.