The following checklist sets forth common considerations in structuring a business acquisition. This material should be seen as a starting point for addressing high-level structural issues. [...]
The following checklist sets forth common considerations in structuring a business acquisition. This material should be seen as a starting point for addressing high-level structural issues. [...]
While representing small-business clients over the years, I have advised them on how to avoid making some common mistakes, and on how to fix some mistakes they already made.
On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“ARRA”), also known as the Federal Stimulus package. One of the provisions in [...]
What is Mini-COBRA? On June 10, 2009, Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell signed Act 2 of 2009 which amends the Pennsylvania Insurance Law to require small employers (employers who employ at [...]
The following provides a general guideline for the retention of many individual records, but the specific holding periods for any record retention should be given careful scrutiny based on [...]
I. Terminology. Commonly used terms: A. Birth mother, natural mother, biological mother. These terms are used interchangeably and are self-explanatory. B. Birth father, natural father, putative [...]
I. Who may be parties to an agreement? A. Any birth relative, defined as a birth parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or sibling, by blood, marriage or adoption. B. Adoptive parents and any [...]
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has recently announced a new amnesty, reduced-penalty voluntary disclosure program for U.S. owners of previously undisclosed foreign financial accounts. This [...]
This Tax Alert will provide you with details regarding the estate and gift tax changes in the recently enacted 2010 Tax Relief Act. Before the new law, there was no estate tax for 2010, but some [...]
On December 17, 2010, the President signed a sweeping tax bill that extends many of the so-called Bush tax cuts through December 31, 2012. Included in this legislation were several significant [...]
We deliver experienced, solutions-driven lawyers across several practice areas and industries. Our corporate and transactional lawyers serve as primary outside counsel to companies based both in Pennsylvania and globally.