You don’t know it now but in the very near future we are going to be working together and maybe for a very long time! That’s because you’re involved in a business transaction and you have [...]
You don’t know it now but in the very near future we are going to be working together and maybe for a very long time! That’s because you’re involved in a business transaction and you have [...]
The Tax Extender Bill has passed through Congress and is expected to be signed by the President. One of the provisions allows individuals who are 70 1/2 or older to make a Charitable IRA [...]
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act has passed both the House and the Senate with bi-partisan support and is on its way to the President to become law. The Act will allow families [...]
Yesterday afternoon the Senate approved by a vote of 76 to 16, the Tax Increase Prevention Act (TIPA) (H.R. 5771) which retroactively reinstates over fifty expired tax provisions. Although not [...]
Recent court decisions have severely eroded the protectability of computer-implemented inventions. These decisions essentially hold that the mere implementation of a mental or otherwise known [...]
In the recent case of McCorkle v. Schenker Logistics, Inc., the Middle District of Pennsylvania ruled that an employer may revoke a conditional offers of employment based on a job applicant’s [...]
Confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements are one of the ways that a company can protect its trade secret and confidential business information. Having employees sign a noncompetition and [...]
Parties forming new corporations often file preprinted form articles of incorporation without considering whether they are appropriate for the corporation being formed. Such form articles of [...]
As of January 2014, 46 states have enacted legislation that require companies to notify individuals of data security breaches that could lead to the dissemination of an individual’s personal [...]
In July of 2014, the Internal Revenue Service issued Form 1023-EZ to allow charitable organizations seeking recognition of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) an easier, online, three page [...]
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