As of January 2014, 46 states have enacted legislation that require companies to notify individuals of data security breaches that could lead to the dissemination of an individual’s personal [...]
In July of 2014, the Internal Revenue Service issued Form 1023-EZ to allow charitable organizations seeking recognition of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) an easier, online, three page [...]
Thanks to TV legal shows, most people know that any communications (phone conversations, e-mails, letters, etc.) you have with your lawyer are privileged from being disclosed to adverse parties [...]
Lifetime trusts offer families both tax and non-tax benefits. Careful drafting of lifetime trusts allows greater-than-expected flexibility to address unexpected future circumstances. Tax [...]
You’ve Been Sued! Or You Think That You May Be Sued … Delete That Delete Button NOW
In Corporate Issues, Risk Mitigation PostedIf you’ve been sued or it looks like a dispute might be heading to court, you are now on notice to stop deleting, destroying or purging any documents and materials that might be relevant to the [...]