Lifetime trusts offer families both tax and non-tax benefits. Careful drafting of lifetime trusts allows greater-than-expected flexibility to address unexpected future circumstances. Tax [...]
Lifetime trusts offer families both tax and non-tax benefits. Careful drafting of lifetime trusts allows greater-than-expected flexibility to address unexpected future circumstances. Tax [...]
If you’ve been sued or it looks like a dispute might be heading to court, you are now on notice to stop deleting, destroying or purging any documents and materials that might be relevant to the [...]
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), became law on January 4, 2011. On September 29, 2014, the FDA published for comment several proposed rules implementing the FSMA. Any interested [...]
A Qualified Personal Residence Trust (“QPRT”) is a trust into which you transfer a personal residence. The QPRT document gives you (and often your spouse) the right to live in the [...]
Generally, IRAs are protected from claims of the contributor’s creditors under federal bankruptcy law, (with the exception of divorce). However, a recent ruling by the Supreme Court peels back [...]
This is the first in a series on post-mortem planning techniques to manage taxes and optimize estate planning following death. It’s difficult, to say the least, to alter your estate plan after [...]
Term Sheets or Letters of Intent (LOIs) are commonly used in the buying or selling of businesses or other key contractual relationships. The purpose of LOIs are to clearly state the principal [...]
Confidentiality agreements are among the most common types of commercial contracts. Businesses use confidentiality agreements to protect their valuable, non-public business information in [...]
Metz Lewis Brodman Must O’Keefe LLC will hold a breakfast seminar on Thursday, October 3, 2013, at the Regional Learning Alliance in Cranberry, PA. This 90 minute discussion focuses on [...]
Imagine this. Your sales manager oversees a staff of fourteen sales people, about half male and half female. As sales vice president, one of the sales people comes to you (and it really does [...]
We deliver experienced, solutions-driven lawyers across several practice areas and industries. Our corporate and transactional lawyers serve as primary outside counsel to companies based both in Pennsylvania and globally.